Jdsu dsam 3600 manual

 · DSAM PDF - This guide is a product of JDSU's Technical Information. Development Department, issued as part of the DSAM. Product Family Series meter. To orderAuthor: Bracage Tygora. DSAM Product Family Quick-Start Guide Rev. i Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to change without notice, and JDSU. www.doorway.ru Acterna DSAM is a high-speed data installer meter that i.

Test virtually all of your high-speed services with just one meter the DSAM Physical Layer Verification Quickly and easily verify the functionality of the customer s cable modem. 1A20 - JDSU Acterna DSAMB xt Digital Meter DSAM Key Features Full line rate traffic generation to. Product Information. For diagnostic tests and results, the JDSU DSAM tester can detect shorts, opens and more in a wiremap format. There are built-in RJ11 and RJ45 jacks in this JDSU cable tester for testing 6-wire and 8-wire twisted pair along with an F-connector that tests coax. www.doorway.ru Acterna DSAM is a high-speed data installer meter that.

The DSAM/ may be directed to test IP performance through the Ethernet jack in addition to TruPacket™ testing performed over the RF thus further emulating the subscriber’s PC. IP tests are conducted through the installed modem. This capability allows the user to exercise even a DOCSIS® modem. Deep Interleave The DSAM adds advanced. DSAM Help User Guide Rev. i Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was accurate at the time of printing. However, informat ion is subject to. The DSAM DOCSIS / meters are generally 7 to 9 years old and cannot be ef-fectively upgraded in stages to the equivalent of a new DOCSIS meter. To take full advantage of the DSAM XT processor together with DOCSIS features, JDSU rec-ommends replacing DOCSIS 1.x DSAM meters with one of the following two new.


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