The Jones Sewing Machine Company started in and proceeded to make sewing machines for almost years, if you can find the right one you may have a machine that is still worth $ or so. The machines they produced seemed to be of fine quality. Immediate PDF Downloads For Instruction Manuals For Sewing Machines - Overlockers - Sergers - Industrial - Knitting Machine. ADAMSON Manuals. Brother VX ; Brother VX; Brother Z; Brother ZAG-ZAG; Brother CM2-BB Parts; JONES Manuals. Jones ; Jones ; Jones ; Jones ; Jones ; Jones ; Jones ; Jones . Jones XL Sewing Machine Instruction Manual Immediate Download PDF. --Click On Image To Enlarge. Jones VX Sewing Machine Instruction Manual Immediate Download PDF. --Click On Image To Enlarge. Jones VX Sewing Machine Instruction Manual Immediate Download PDF. --Click On Image To Enlarge. Jones VX .
The Brother Workhorse Series scanners are designed for mid to large-sized workgroups or high-volume and batch scanning applications. These robust, reliable, high-speed scanners can facilitate digital transformation and easily integrate into your work environment. Date your Jones Sewing Machine. Please see the below table to date your Jones Machine. From Sewing Machines we have had with manuals (from which you can get a date) to data collected via the Internet here is a very rough guide you can use to estimate the age of your Jones Sewing Machine.. Jones originally in or around started with a simply numeric list of serial numbers for all their. Manuals. Bobbins. More. Jones Spare Parts. We stock original spare machine parts for most old Jones Sewing Machines. Please choose your Jones Model by clicking on the link below. Orders are shipped the next day and are shipped every day except Saturday and Sunday. If you are after a particular part, or.
Jones VX Sewing Machine 6mm Felling Foot. Price £ This foot has a 6mm underfoot groove which is fantastic for making one-step, professional looking flat felled seams and for turning narrow edges and hems. This foot saves time and is great for garment construction, especially enclosed side seams on denim More. Jones Sewing Machine Company Manuals. Jones Spool; Instruction card for the Jones Spool machine. A 2-page 'get-you-started' guide to threading, setting needles, winding and replacing bobbins, etc. Undated (c. ). Cylinder Shuttle "Directions for operating the Cylinder Shuttle sewing machines" (incl. Hand C.S., Family C.S., Medium C.S. Jones Sewing Machine Instructions Page 3. Hi I'm merv. I have been a sewing machine mechanic since {35 years ago} fixing all makes models of sewing machines. I started fixing Bernina to begin with and then went on to fix all other makes like Singer, Elna, Janome, Riccar, Bernette, New Home, Brother, Frister Rossmann etc.