· Standardised Water Pumps Etanorm 5. Design Bearing bracket Rolling element bearings Pump end Drive end Region WS_60_LR C3 C3 A, B, C see installation/operating manual Information on benchmark efficiency or benchmark efficiency graph for MEI = () for the pump based on ≤ 60 1 10 Contact KSB for supply to VdS guideline. · Coating and preservation to KSB standard A, B, C Product benefits see installation/operating manual Information on benchmark efficiency or benchmark efficiency graph for MEI = () for the pump based on Standardised Water Pumps Etanorm 7. Overview of fluids handled Table of fluids handled and associated material combinations. Consult KSB's Etanorm brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/2.
1/4 turn ACTELEC LEA and LEB. 4 Pages. ACTELEC 31 to (BERNARD) 12 Pages. Amaclean. 12 Pages. Amacan S. 2 Pages. Original KSB Spare Parts Service for waste water pumps. Etanorm KSB PUMP OM Manual - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu. Design. Horizontal volute casing pump, single-stage, with ratings and main dimensions to EN , long-coupled, back pull-out design, with replaceable shaft sleeves / shaft protecting sleeves and casing wear rings, with motor-mounted variable speed system. With KSB SuPremE, a magnetless synchronous reluctance motor of efficiency class IE4/IE5 to.
Etanorm KSB PUMP OM Manual - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Open navigation menu. View and Download KSB Etanorm booklet online. Type Series Standardised Water Pump. Etanorm water pump pdf manual download. KSB’s Etanorm is the world's best-selling water pump (to EN ), currently more than 1 million Eta pumps are currently in use. Its reliability and economical operation makes the Etanorm pump a popular choice. The Eta range is comprised of conventionally sealed water pumps in many designs, variable speed models and the zero leakage Etaseco and Etamagno SY pumps for hazardous or hot fluids.