Kawasaki STX D.I. Jet Ski Factory Service Manual Original Kawasaki Service Manual for STX D.I. Jet Ski models. Manual includes high resolution diagrams, images, detailed instruction and technical recommendations and more. Manual is indexed and searchable. Models Covered in this manual: JTG1 Beginning Hull No. KAW[] -File Size: 49KB. " Kawasaki STX D.I. Jet Ski Factory Service Manual." manual can be saved to any computer hard drive, flash storage, burned to a CD or DVD ROM or any other digital media. Once manual is downloaded any number of pages could be printed or it could be printed in whole. Kawasaki Stx Manual. / (Below) Loosen the gas tank cap to relieve pressure. Be sure the fuel switch is turned to the “OFF” position, and be aware of any fuel that may spill from the hoses. Make sure the hull is clear of any gasoline fumes before continuing work, especially with power tools. Remove the pulse lines from.
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STX DI 2-Stroke model: Connecting the Diagnostic Cabel to the Jet Ski: Steps to connect: 1. Remove the seat, and look for the Yellow 6-pin diagnostic connector at the rear of the engine bay, just under the seat. It will have a dust cap on it with a looped single wire on the end of it: 2. Remove the dust cap from the diagnostic. Original Kawasaki STX D.I. Jet Ski factory manual covers models JTC1, JTF1. Kawasaki STX D.I. Jet Ski Factory Service Manual. BUY IT NOW! $ or set your own Price! Original Kawasaki STX D.I. Jet Ski factory manual covers models JTC1, JTF1. To find information in PDF file please use "Ctrl+F" or "Command+F" for Mac and enter keywords you need to find in a manual.