Aalborg GFM37 is a low cost solution to digital mass flow metering Principles of Operation Metered gases are divided into two laminar flow paths, one through the primary flow conduit, and the other through a capillary sensor tube. Both flow conduits are designed to ensure laminar flows and therefore the ratio of their flow rates is constant. this manual or in writing from Aalborg, may impair the protection provided by the equipment. PIN XFM FUNCTION 1 Common, Signal Ground For Pin 2 ( mA return) 2 Vdc or mA Flow Signal Output 3 Relay No. 2 - Normally Open Contact 4 Relay No. 2 - Common Contact 5 Common, Power Supply (- DC power for 11 to 26 Vdc) 6 Relay No. 1 - Common. GAS PRESSURE: psig (69 bars) and 47; psig ( bars) and 77; optimum pressure is 20 psig ( bars). GAS AND AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 32 F F to F F (0 F C to 50 F C). 14 F F to F F ( F C to 50 F C) - Dry gases only. RELATIVE GAS HUMIDITY: Up to 70%. LEAK INTEGRITY: 1 x 10 - 7 sccs He max. to the outside.
Use of the GFM flow transducer in a manner other than that specified in this manu-al or in writing from Aalborg7, may impair the protection provided by the equipment. Remote LCD Readouts GFM Mass Flow Meters are available with optional remote reading LCD displays supplied with a three foot long wire to accommodate most applications. This con-. GFC mass flow controller Model GFC thermal Mass Flow Controllers are designed to indicate and control set flow rates of gases. The GFC combines the characteristics, and accuracy of conventional mass flow devices into a unique compact design at low costs previously unattainable. Aalborg DPM24 Measuring Instruments: Frequently-viewed manuals. Agilent Technologies B Configuration Manual Configuration manual (8 pages) Malmbergs LXB+ Instruction Manual Instruction manual (6 pages) Igema NA Installation And Operating Instructions Manual Installation and operating instructions manual (19 pages) Lifasa MCA PLUS II.
GAS PRESSURE: psig (69 bars) and 47; psig ( bars) and 77; optimum pressure is 20 psig ( bars). GAS AND AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 32 F F to F F (0 F C to 50 F C). 14 F F to F F ( F C to 50 F C) - Dry gases only. RELATIVE GAS HUMIDITY: Up to 70%. LEAK INTEGRITY: 1 x 10 - 7 sccs He max. to the outside. GFC mass flow controller Model GFC thermal Mass Flow Controllers are designed to indicate and control set flow rates of gases. The GFC combines the characteristics, and accuracy of conventional mass flow devices into a unique compact design at low costs previously unattainable. Manuals and User Guides for Aalborg GFM We have 1 Aalborg GFM 37 manual available for free PDF download: Operating Manual. Aalborg GFM 37 Operating Manual (